Thursday, July 8, 2010

Prairie View - Photo 1 Assignment

Photo taken by James Nachetway in New York 2001, titled "Ground Zero"

James Nachetway is a Photojournalist, and is considered one of the best war photographer's ever. He has captured photo's of Afghanistan, Deeds of War, Romania, people suffering from AIDS, Bosnia, South Africa, Famines, Kosovo, Industrial Pollution, Crimes and Punishment, Pakistan Heroin, Rwanda, India, Chechnya, Isreal, Indonesia, and the 9/11 incident. He started off as a freelance magazine photographer, then moved on to becoming a contract photographer with Time Magazine since 1984. In 2001, he became the one of the founding members of the photo agency, VII. He is a fellow of the Royal Photographic Society and has an Honorary Doctorate of Fine Arts from the Massachusetts College of Arts.

The reason why I like this picture is because of the position/angle the photograph was taken. You can see the smoke billowing up from the brought down Twin Towers, and the destruction the terrorist attack had created. You also see a lone fire fighter searching for survivors. I also enjoy the color, or contrast of the picture. It's grungy, and somewhat, to myself, promotes a mood of sadness. You can tell that the focus of the image is the destruction created and possibly the fire fighter.